I am a CDC Certified Divorce Coach with a specialized background in family law litigation (JD from Cornell Law School).
My prior legal career spanned six years across two states (NY and MA) during which I counseled clients through complex (and often highly contentious) divorce actions at both the trial and appellate level.
So. Much. Paper.
The documents can be a real source of confusion and overwhelm for people. Sometimes the attorney’s strategy is to deliberately overwhelm opposing counsel with documents — so imagine how the spouse must feel! Trust me, it’s not fun for the attorneys, either— but that’s just how the adversarial court system is set up.
From filing for divorce to complying with financial disclosure rules, preparing financial affidavits, issuing subpoenas, filing motions, securing temporary orders … once the floodgates of litigation open, the documents just never stop.
The good news for my coaching clients is that I can help them make sense of this overwhelming process. I also learned when and how to engage various experts (real estate valuation experts, personal property appraisers, forensic accountants, therapists, court-appointed psychologists, visitation supervisors, parenting coordinators, guardians ad litem, etc.) and how all of the puzzle pieces fit together. This is a distinct differentiator that sets me apart from other divorce coaches.